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The Top 12 Most Popular Supplements And Why

The Top 12 Most Popular Supplements And Why

This month, we're shining the spotlight on our top 12 supplements again, with another unique benefit of each...

1. Ashwagandha - Improved Sleep Quality

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that calms our nervous system and quiets the mind before sleep. Taking ashwagandha regularly helps initiate sleep more quickly by reducing time spent in lighter stages of sleep. It also maintains deep, restful sleep throughout the night by lowering wakeups and increasing time in slow-wave and rapid-eye movement sleep. Ashwagandha prevents middle of the night waking by regulating stress hormones like cortisol that disrupt sleep. Its relaxing properties allow you to fall asleep more easily, sleep more soundly through the night, and wake feeling well-rested.

2. Vitamin D3 - Supports healthy bones by improving calcium absorption

Vitamin D plays a vital role in intestinal calcium absorption and getting enough of this nutrient aids in building bone mineral density and strength. Consistently supplementing with vitamin D3 provides our body with the tools it needs to incorporate calcium into bone matrix. This strengthens bones and helps prevent fractures and loss of mobility as we age. Vitamin D also stimulates osteoblasts which form new bone. Taking vitamin D3 ensures our body can properly utilise calcium from our diet to strengthen and maintain resilient, flexible, fracture-resistant bones throughout life.

3. Berberine - Lowers cholesterol and lipids

Berberine is a plant alkaloid compound that reduces LDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, and boosts beneficial HDL cholesterol. It helps remove LDL particles from our bloodstream and improves lipid profiles and balance. Regularly supplementing with berberine promotes cardiovascular health by keeping cholesterol markers in healthy ranges. Berberine is a natural, efficacious way to support healthy cholesterol numbers and circulation.

4. Magnesium L-Threonate - Promotes restful sleep

Magnesium calms our nervous system activity that can interfere with sleep onset and quality. The L-Threonate formulation efficiently crosses the blood-brain barrier to deliver magnesium directly to neurons in our brain that govern sleep-wake cycles. Restoring optimal magnesium levels in the brain encourages uninterrupted, high-quality sleep. It helps induce drowsiness, extend deep sleep phases, and prevent nighttime or early morning awakenings.

5. Omega 3 - Boosts brain function

Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are critical structural components of our brains and nerve cell membranes. Increasing omega-3 intake improves neuron membrane fluidity, strengthens connectivity between cells, and heightens neurotransmitter activity. Regularly supplementing with fish oil omega-3s enhances cognition, memory, focus, concentration, mood stability and overall brain function. Omega-3s support and maintain optimal neural structure and connectivity for clear thinking.

6. Astaxanthin - Preserves youthful skin

Astaxanthin is an antioxidant carotenoid that stimulates dermal fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid which keep our skin firm and elastic. It also repairs free radical damage from UV radiation and other environmental factors that degrade cells. Regularly supplementing with astaxanthin reduces wrinkles, age spots, and photodamage to keep skin looking supple, toned, and youthful. Astaxanthin nourishes skin cells from the inside out.

7. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - Detoxifies and protects our liver

NAC provides the amino acid cysteine needed by the liver to produce glutathione, a major antioxidant that binds and clears toxins, drugs, pollution and alcohol metabolites. Taking NAC regularly enhances phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification pathways and improves overall liver function. NAC ensures the liver has ample glutathione reserve to efficiently metabolise and eliminate toxins.

8. St. John's Wort - Eases anxiety and worry

St. John's Wort contains active compounds like hypericin that inhibit reuptake of neurotransmitters linked to mood like serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and noradrenaline. Regularly supplementing with St. John’s Wort has been shown to alleviate feelings of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, and worry without causing sedation. St. John's Wort provides natural relief for anxious thoughts and racing mind.

9. Curcumin - Protects the brain from aging

Curcumin is the bioactive constituent in turmeric that crosses the blood-brain barrier and stimulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a growth hormone that promotes genesis of new neurons. Taking curcumin as a supplement increases hippocampal neurogenesis (the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain) which declines with age, improving memory and cognition. Curcumin keeps the brain sharp and resilient as we get older.

10. Vitamin K2 - Clears arteries and veins

Vitamin K2 activates matrix GLA protein which inhibits calcium from depositing in blood vessels. Getting adequate K2 from our foods and supplements helps prevent atherosclerotic calcification and maintains healthy circulation. Vitamin K2 helps keep arteries clear of plaque buildup so blood can flow smoothly to nourish the body.

11. Ubiquinol - Supports heart health

Ubiquinol, the reduced, active form of CoQ10, optimises mitochondrial energy production in our heart muscle cells. Supplementing with ubiquinol has been shown to significantly improve cardiac contractility, ejection fraction, and stamina. Ubiquinol provides activated energy reserves that the heart relies on for maintaining strong pumping function.

12. Probiotics - Improve digestive issues

Probiotics contain beneficial strains of bacteria that improve our gut microbiome diversity and ratio of good to bad bacteria. Regularly supplementing optimises nutrient absorption, eases inflammation, and regulates bowel motility. Probiotics reduce issues like bloating, indigestion, constipation, and diarrhoea by creating ideal equilibrium in the digestive ecosystem.


While diet serves as the foundation, high quality supplements help fill the nutritional gaps and provide a targeted boost where we need it most.

Our goal is to educate on the diverse positive impact quality supplementation can have and empower you to make informed choices to meet your individual wellness needs and goals. We hope you'll join us on this continued journey to realise the full potential functional nutrition has to offer. Until next time, be well and take good care!


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