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Magnesium Glycinate: Support Better Sleep, Less Stress, and Enhanced Well-Being 

Magnesium Glycinate: Support Better Sleep, Less Stress, and Enhanced Well-Being 

Are you constantly feeling tired, stressed out, or battling nagging muscle aches?

The solution could lie in optimizing your intake of magnesium glycinate, a mineral crucial for your health yet often lacking in modern diets.  

When it comes to maximizing magnesium's incredible benefits, magnesium glycinate stands out as a superior choice.  Let's explore in detail how magnesium glycinate can benefit you and why Bigvits is proud to offer the best brands on the market! 

What is Magnesium Glycinate? 

Magnesium glycinate is a specific form of magnesium with high bioavailability. Magnesium, an essential mineral, plays a role in over 300 processes in your body, however, not all forms of magnesium are equally easy for your body to use. 

Magnesium glycinate combines magnesium with the amino acid glycine, improving absorption and potentially leading to fewer digestive side effects than other magnesium types. 

Why You Need Magnesium Glycinate 

The Ultimate Sleep Aid: If tossing and turning or frequent waking disrupt your nights, magnesium glycinate could offer natural relief. It supports healthy sleep patterns by calming your nervous system and facilitating the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone (Abbasi et al., 2012). 

Stress Buster: In today's fast-paced world, many people struggle with constant stress. Magnesium glycinate promotes relaxation, potentially reducing feelings of anxiety by regulating stress hormones and neurotransmitters linked to mood (Boyle et al., 2017). 

Muscle Relief: Sore, achy muscles can hinder your daily life. Magnesium glycinate acts as a natural muscle relaxant, easing cramps, and may even improve post-workout recovery (Field et al., 2011). 

Healthy Bones: Magnesium is essential for bone health, and magnesium glycinate supports bone density by playing a role in calcium absorption and vitamin D regulation (Castiglioni et al., 2013). 

Heart Health Booster: Research suggests magnesium glycinate might have heart-healthy advantages, potentially contributing to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels (Zhang et al., 2016). 

Other Potential Benefits 

Preliminary research suggests magnesium glycinate may provide even more benefits. Keep in mind, larger studies are often needed to confirm these effects: 

Improved blood sugar control: Especially helpful for people with diabetes or prediabetes (Simental-Mendía et al, 2016). 

  • Reduced PMS symptoms: Potentially easing symptoms like mood swings and cramps. 
  • Migraine prevention: Studies suggest its usefulness in potentially reducing the frequency and severity of migraines (Facchinetti et al., 1991). 

Premium Brands You Can Trust at Bigvits 

At Bigvits, we believe that investing in your health means investing in quality. That's why we stock trusted brands of magnesium glycinate supplements: 

  • NOW Foods: Offering premium magnesium glycinate supplements. 
  • Swanson: Their focus on optimal absorption and effectiveness. 
  • Healthy Origins: This brand uses high-quality ingredients. 
  • Trace Minerals Research: Specializing in mineral supplements. 

2 of our best-selling products from Trace Minerals

Is Magnesium Glycinate Right for You? 

If you experience sleep issues, stress, muscle discomfort, or any of the mentioned potential benefits, magnesium glycinate could be life changing. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking medication. 

Ready to Feel the Difference? 

Don't settle for sleepless nights, endless stress, and muscle aches any longer. Choose magnesium glycinate and enjoy its gentle, highly absorbable benefits! 

Explore our selection of magnesium glycinate from NOW Foods, Swanson, Healthy Origins, and Trace Minerals. See how this wonderful form of magnesium can transform your health and well-being. 


  • Abbasi, B., Kimiagar, M., Sadeghniiat, K., Shirazi, M. M., Hedayati, M., & Rashidkhani, B. (2012). The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Journal of research in medical sciences, 17(12), 1161–1169. 
  • Boyle, N. B., Lawton, C., & Dye, L. (2017). The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress—A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 9(5), 429. 
  • Castiglioni, S., Cazzaniga, A., Albisetti, W., & Maier, J. A. (2013). Magnesium and osteoporosis: current state of knowledge and future research directions. Nutrients, 5(8), 3022–3033. 
  • Facchinetti F, Sances G, Borella P, Genazzani AR, Nappi G. Magnesium prophylaxis of menstrual migraine: effects on intracellular magnesium.  PMID: 1860000. 
  • Field, T., Diego, M., & Hernandez-Reif, M. (2011). Preterm infant massage therapy research: a review. Infant behavior & development, 34(2), 354–364. 
  • Simental-Mendía, L. E., Sahebkar, A., Rodríguez-Morán, M., & Guerrero-Romero, F. (2016). A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effects of magnesium supplementation on insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Pharmacological research, 111, 272–282. 
  • Zhang, X., Li, Y., Del Gobbo, L. C., Rosanoff, A., Wang, J., Zhang, W., & Song, Y. (2016). Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trials. Hypertension, 68(2), 324–333.
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